Tuesday 13 October 2015


After yesterday's busy;happy day my kids decided a bit of balance was in order so we had a busy;grumpy day today!

It looks nice in pictures but as you look through don't be fooled the background noise has been somewhat louder and shoutier than normal.

I'm telling it like it is.some home ed days are not the bed of roses that you assume.

I wouldn't trade my life and the chaos and shouting for anything though I I'm not afraid to admit some days are testing.

Anyway amidst the frayed tempers ;screaming matches and door slamming we have as I said been quite busy .

With some help Eva made some ghost cupcakes.

Summer burnt some donuts .

Charlie produced an illustration from yesterday's social studies story. "Elissa: princess and founder of Carthage"  (Eva sat besides him copying his title and picture of Elissa aboard her ship)

Summer wrote up what she had learnt yesterday about regulation of body temperature  into her main lesson book.

I've  hardly seen Gypsie over these past two day's.My goodness me I'm so proud of her efforts ....she has taught herself to crochet and has made a little something for a little person soon to be born .(that's all I can say as I've been told not to post pics in case the little persons mama sees) All I can say is that its gorgeous and she's so talented.

I spent a while outside with the boys .Robbie was happy to recline in the hammock; chase the poor hens;pick the tomatoes and help charlie bash up some wood for a campfire.

Charlie asked if he could sew something.we had a look through our nature table book and he decided on a toadstool. He did the majority of it by himself and enjoyed going outside to collect pebbles to fill the stem.

We had some of the panels of our lounge windows replaced this afternoon and Robbie;Charlie;Eva and Summer watched the process from beginning to end .Charlie was even curious and asked about if and how the glass would be recycled.Thankfully the man seemed happy with his audience so I left paul to it with the kids and popped out for five minutes to the shop!
I wish I'd had Charlie with me though because I saw the most gorgeous woodpecker on my way home as I cut through the grave yard. He would of loved to have seen it.

Still maybe we will spot one together one day soon. X

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