Thursday 16 July 2015

Business ,bark and bike riding.

After the usual morning chores of animal care and feeding the littlest ,unloading and re-loading the washing machine and dishwasher I cracked on with some work on my new Neals Yard remedies venture. I'd been up all night worring about things like declaring myself as self-employed to HMRC and its affect if any on our tax credits claim.I decided to just push on ,think positive and act like a grown up. Several hours later I after retreating from the phone and the computer I did feel somewhat satisfied and relieved to have gotten all that official stuff in hand, for now at least.

I also felt guilty for not being present with the kids, but also greatful for the older ones watchful eye as the two littlest ones played between my room and there's.

Summer and Jasmine decided a bike ride was in order this morning too and had popped out for a little while and were kind enough to nip in the shop for a couple of bits....I'm blessed ...they r good kids!

After lunch as promised to Eva (poor little love had been waiting for me to go out all morning) we went out into the garden.
There was swinging on swings and sandpit fun and charlie took some bark and lichen samples from our plumb tree.

I was moaning and itching mosquito bites which lead Charlie to tell me about the advertising campaign he's seen on t.v about malaria.
We talked about the resons that people get malaria and how vaccines are made.
He was sawing and sanding some wood he had found which had rusty nails in it which lead him to discuss tetanus as he told me about symptoms of tetanus he had seen on a medical program.

Unknown to me Summer had signed herself and charlie up for the change for life "ten minute shake up". You get a free stop watch clock to track each ten minute intervals of exercise you do .After each ten minute block you earn a sticker.The stickers make up part of a poster.
Summer gave her stop watch to Eva but is keeping the poster and placing a sticker on after every block of exercise she does.

Summer asked if I'd go on a bike ride with her .so I set about putting  the trailor wheels on and attaching it to my bike whilst she kindly dressed the baby (that was his third change of clothes today) .
Charlie accompanied us on his scooter.Eva and Robbie were very happy in the trailor today.Robbie waving to every pedestrian we passed.

We were out for a good while .Riding up to the local pond...I call it a's actually much so that its more of a crater.charlie loves to stride through it.And we all love the oak man tree carving.
We then peddled down to lane end was still beautiful in the murkyness.

Back home we enjoyed some lovely cookies made by Gypsie who told me all about the drawings and sketches she's been doing today.

Not a bad day really.

Considering this mamas had two hours sleep its been rather fantastic.

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