Sunday 25 January 2015

Birds , robot's and writing fan mail

I'm not goin to lie for charlie this week has mostly been about going on the new 'to us' xbox.
By why shouldn't it be.He has wanted one for a very long time.
He has been playing Lost planet,call of duty ,worm wars and minecraft and having great fun.
Jasmines been enjoying some time playing on there too.Fifa 2014, lego movie ,lego marval and a formula one game are the ones she has most enjoyed. Apart from Lost planet all the others are just demos that they have downloaded.

Having the Xbox downstairs means we can all be involved and I am (if not in the same room) just a call away to help charlie with the reading instructions and such.

Youtube can be accesses on the xbox too.So Summer and I have sat and enjoyed our favourite family vloggers (The Shaytards) together.

Besides enjoying this new toy we have also been baking. (as usual)

Summer came across a Nutribullet recipie  on pinterest that she wanted to try. Simple two ingrediant cookies. Oat and banana cookies are surprisingly tasty especially as she added some bashed up chocolate buttons to the mix.
She has also been making her own peppermint rock candy.
Gypsies been baking vanilla vegan cupcakes and she made a lovely sponge for the three egg eaters of the family.

The younger children have been making treats for the birds.Summer made suet treats with veg suet,rasins,cheese and birdseed and  we threaded multigrain hoop cereals on to pipe cleaners to also hang from the branches.

Eva really enjoyed  decorating our little apple tree with these edible ornanents, and the hens were really excited when one dropped to the ground.

There's also been some robot building and drawing by charlie and Eva .

Jasmine and summer put together a fan mail package consisting of sweets,fan letters and a bandana for a favourite YouTuber and I posted it off for them.Appatently he videos himself opening his mail and the girls are really excited to see him open it.

Today charlie and I took part in the big garden birdwatch. After seeing an advert on t.v he was adament we sign up.He enjoyed learning all the diffrent names of the birds and is keeping the spotting guide for future reference.

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