Friday 25 July 2014


I really expected these last couple of weeks to drag with Paul being out on a course every week day but they have literally flown by.

we have been just doing our usual things really , no real plans as such just taking each day as it comes and living our simple lives here in our little home in our familiar village setting.

my days are full though can they be anything less than full with 6 little ones .(well one is bigger than Me now.)

FUll of questions as Eva favourite word right now appears to be "why?"

FULL of experiments .

FULL of washing (mostly of towels and swim wear) from constant beach and paddling pool fun.

FULL of music as Gypsies has taken a liking to blaring out the music channels .she doesn't appreciate my dancing though!!!

FULL of dirty bowls n pans,as we bake treats and cook meals together.

FULL of nature as we explore the garden , collect caterpillars and feed them,watch them grow and wait for them to make there cocoons .

FULL of crafts as we make a butterfly feeder and viking helmets and swords .

FUll of loom bands as the older girls continue to create new designs.

FULL of dance and gymnastics.

FULL of noise ...sometimes happy noise sometimes sad,frustrated ,grumpy noise...mostly from a certain two year old and i have to admit that sometimes those grumpy noises are from a tired mama. You see not only are my days full but they are also long.
Robbie usually wakes for a feed between 4 and 6 am before going back of for another hour or so and my days end when Eva decides to sleep which is usually between 10 and 11pm.

so yes these summer days are very long and very full mostly im grateful for the fullness .


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