Tuesday 22 October 2013

one of those days...

It's been one of those days today.

Another day where getting the kids to put pen to paper was like getting blood out of a a stone .

Gypsies read a little and wrote even less about Julius ceaser.

Jasmine and i made lunar observation books, summer looked at the eight fold path of Buddism and Charlie has spent the day watching YouTube videos about the Titanic and making boats out if cardboard and lego.

Summer and Jasmine also did some baking .

Iv been really taken aback by gypsies this evening ...we were chatting about how old i would be when Eva is her age and she was unable to tell me what Number came after 39.I have always known gypsies struggles and that if she were in school she would be labled as having special needs but this evening surprise me somewhat . She's struggling with her main lessons at the moment too ; seeming unable to read information and take it in well enough to recall it and put it in to her own words ....i really feel like im banging my head against a brick wall. I know she can't help it but i find it so hard and frustrating ...i really need to have a good think about how i can best help her.


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