Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday was um....Good!

 Eva woke at just before five this morning and i couldn't get aback off to sleep...very strange for me i usually manage to lay in till around eight thirty most days as the early hours of the day are when Eva tends to sleep best.

I got up and loaded the dishwasher and sat at the computer bloging and looking up vegan Easter recipes.

Eva joined me a couple of hours later with her daddy, followed by a poorly looking Gypsie and Charlie.

Although poorly they both informed me there sore throats and snuffles wouldn't stand in the way of trying some chocolate hot cross buns.

Leaving them in the warm with Paul i went out to see to the animals and head to the shop. I needed to buy chocolate for the buns but also i needed to purchase a secret stash of little treats for the Easter egg hunt on Sunday. Its not often i escape to the shop by my self ( especially before nine am) and the lady in the shop remarked ..."oh out on your own!" ..I replied with a cheeky .."yes i escaped."

Shopping completed i began my morning of baking. I wanted to make the kids a nice lunch to celebrate Good Friday.
As well as the vegan chocolate hot cross buns i baked some rolls and an Easter nest.

After lunch Jasmine, Eva , Summer and i headed out for a walk through the lanes. I started off with Eva in the sling on my back but she wasn't content up there , she likes her freedom now and she especially likes to walk on peoples stone drives!

I'm grateful for the peaceful lanes and bridle ways here in the village allowing Eva the little bit of freedom she loves. Although its difficult work coaxing her in the right direction sometimes.

Whilst walking we discussed the unschooling that we have been doing and we have come to the conclusion that we are going to go back to our previous daily rhythm. One  that involves morning block work. Jasmine and Summer both told me they like it better when they have more structure to there day .I'm happy with this and cant wait to get fully back in to the Waldorf way again.

 There was an art exhibition on in the village hall so we popped in for a little look .Once again it really makes me want to get out some paints and pastels , chalks and brushes and create some masterpieces of my own need at least an extra couple of hours in a day to find the time though.

The paintings below were Jasmines favourites.
 Charlie has spent the vast majority of the day watching films with Paul and playing Lego and Gypsies been snuggled up in the house all day too, hopefully they will feel better tomorrow.

For now The youngest ones have had there stories and are sound asleep and everyone else is up in bed too....which i think is where i should be going.Early night for me.

Goodnight x

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