Monday, 11 February 2013

Since my last post The girls have continued with there Islam and Egypt main lessons. And Charlie has finished his block on roman numerals, learning all the way up to ten. We also looked at how to write ten and a hundred in roman numerals too.

If theres one thing my kids have taught me its that if they dont want to learn something then there is realy no point in pushing it.It just sets you up for a fail and an angry mummy and an unhappy child. So summer pretty much decided that she didnt want to do Egypt studies any more and that she wante to lear some spanish instead. By herself she found our book of first spanish words and sat and drew and wrote some words relating to clothing. ( at her request i helped with the outline of the girls body) but otherwise this was all independent learning.

Thursday i had to take the children to there anual astma review appointment. they all got ton great witht the exceptuion of Charlie who seems to be struggling at the moment.When ever he is poorly he will end up with a nasty cough but i now know that i can double up his in halers when needed to help him through the rougher times.

After the appointment we headed for the chip shop for lunch, it wasnt open, so to kill a little time we looked in the village hall at a bazzar that they had on. We were delighted to find some very cool velvet arts. my kids are all fans of valvet art and never before had we seen the likes of Justin bieber and one direction on one of these boards.

After strolling home slowley eating our steaming hot chips and curry sauce i had a very quiet couple of hours whilst they coloured in there posters then did a little baking.

we have starrted some spring time crafts , well we have some teeny tiny daffodills in bloom in the garden so i thought ...why not?

The girls have had me and themselfs in hysterics as we attempted some yoga with a partner poses!!!

We have helped celebrate my nephews second birthday.
And this weekend we spent a while doing some chinese new year crafts.
i helped charlie make a dragon puppet , which is proudly hung on the lounge wall.

And paper lanterns were painted aswell, and adorned our table last night as we tucked in to a chinese curry and this very gorgeous cake baked by jasmine.

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