Friday, 30 November 2012

Welcoming Winter

 Upon waking yesterday it was clear to see and feel that winter is here.In the garden as i let out the hens and fed the rabbit and guinea pig the grass shimmered with early morning frost.

Before the older girls woke Charlie and i cracked on with packing away the autumn nature table and preparing it for winter.

We said goodbye to our Martinmas Lanterns and leafy wreath and autumn banner .

And we welcomed in the ice and cold of winter. We didnt have a pale blue or white silk so i got out some tissue paper instead, for now we have a wooden sledge , some wooden trees and gnomes (i think they were supost to be saint nicolas realy),our little maths gnomes, wooden trees and beesway candles.
When the girls woke as they came down from there beds all sleepy eyed they each said how pretty it was. Charlie was very proud!

I also sorted the winter book basket.

Eva is a real book worm already  she follows people round with books and screeches at them over and over or grabs them by the hand till they sit and look at whatever book it is she has chosen.For the past three weeks or so its been 'Autumn'  by Gerda Muller. I gave it to her a s a gift on Halloween and she has hardly put it down.

It is a picture board book.

As luck would have it st Nicolas will be completing the set with Spring, Summer and Winter shortly.

To book depository have all the titles at a reasonable price.

This mummy may have packed away the book on the shelf so yesterdays shriek's and leg and hand pulls have been geared towards us reading a different book. 'Santas Secrets' by Ann Mckie. The book was given to us a while ago by my 14 year old sister , who had a giggle today and said it makes her feel old...oh to be 14!!!!!!!!

Jasmine finished her block on the physics of light and we made a pin hole camera. Its not as good as we had hoped but we are persisting.

Charlie created a keepsake .

I saw the idea of facebook and you can read about it here

The cute poem reads,

These aren't just five snowmen
As you can see
I made them with my hand
Which is part of me
Now you can look back and recall
When my hand was just this small.

Charlie wrote his name and i dated it for him, it would make a lovely gift or a card!

He then ran of to get a hand print he has been keeping in a safe place, he wanted to see if he had grown since the last print (valentines day) and he clearly has done!

 I was waiting for a man to come and see about fixing the dishwasher , once he'd been i prized the kids of the computer (club penguin) and after much disagreement and me shouting and Summer shouting we headed of out for a walk.

I felt a bit bad because they were quite happy and it was just me with the urge to walk across the beach. All was forgotten as we strolled along the shore. We saw a magnificent heron , well actually all of us thought it was amazing except Summer ...perhaps she was still a little grumpy!

Charlie threw stones in the sea, we trudged through stones , Summer carried a huge rock all the way home with the intention of painting it,and we took some beautiful photos as we bid goodbye to the sun.

We returned home to make hot chocolate and after a feed Eva snoozed contently whilst animals were put in for the night , dinner n brownies were made and Jasmine and i dashed to the shop.

Such a lovely day.


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