Friday, 14 September 2012

Autumn nature table and other stuff xxx

Everything seems to be going well here at the moment.

For the past two day Jasmines continued to work on her time line and its coming together really well. For copy work today she wrote out the entire National Anthem .

Summer has been continuing to look at animals .Yesterday was the Pig and today when I asked her to pick an animal with long legs she opted for a horse. I had her write out the information she found out in first person as though she actually was a horse. She wrote about where she lived , what she ate and how big she was.Later this afternoon without me asking she decided to do the same thing , this time she chose a giraffe.We had lots of fun with the tape measure, measuring just how extremely tall a giraffe can grow.

Gypsies has been finishing up her block on Atlanta's.Yesterday she drew and wrote about crops that may have grown there and how an Atlantes feast may well have looked , she also wrote about the technology that there may have been on the island.Today she has spent time drawing and labelling animals she thinks could have inhabited Atlantis.She opted  for scorpions,spiders, snakes, lizards, frogs, monkeys , parrots and all manor of tropical wildlife.

Its lovely to see the girls just getting stuck in to there work.They know from the lesson plans whats expected of them each day and its all working well.

Summer was getting in to the tropical animals so much she was looking up things for Gypsie on the laptop with her.Its great to see them helping each other.

Charlie has been learning the letter V with the brothers Grimm story "The duck and the vagabonds".

Charlie and i have also been busy setting up and crafting special items for our nature table.

We have used the finished Fractions tree as a backdrop.

While Charlie was at Nanny's house yesterday i made Tomton , the little red elfin like creature. Charlie was delighted with him but insisted that we make him a wife. So today i helped him craft a pink Tomton.
 We have also been making felt pumpkins.

 And decorating a wreath with felt leaves . Were hoping to pick up some acorns to glue on to our wreath shortly.

 When chopping up some apple for the guinea pigs Charlie was excited to find a seed that had started to sprout.He asked if he could plant it .So now that too is sitting upon the nature table.

                                                                   XXX  xxx XXX

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