Jasmine has finally succumbed to the germs, bless her, a fever and the dentist to deal with on Friday , made for one seriously grumpy young lady. She had another visit planned for the end of September and there was talk of root canal work, if needed being done in London.I,d be seriously dismayed if there isn't a dentist on the island that cant do it. Seems a bit far fetched to expect us to travel that far!
I took the above picture on Saturday when she was sleeping it of with a teething baby sister.
But i can happily report that she is now feeling fine again and that Eva has her fifth tooth.
This ickyness has been with us for at least a month, its about time it showed some remorse .
We are still coughing a bit now and then but the worse is done with now...i hope!
So...whats been going on...................
I started decorating the kids bedroom just before Eva was born.I think it was extreme nesting.I only got one coat of paint on the walls.for some reason i left a big patch above the door and it was in no way finished.
A year later I decided one morning that enough was enough , this room needed completing.With the help of the kids both with paint brushes and a roller and taking care of bubba the room now looks fresh and beautiful.Its baby blue and we even painter the flaky window sills with some stone floor paint.
It was a great achievement. i felt like id accomplished a lot that day|!
The cauliflowers and purple sprouting being totally obliterated by caterpillars has provided charlie with yet more hours of fun.
collecting them, comparing sizes , colours and analysing there every detail.
The fair weather means we have been enjoying the garden and the beach . Playing many make believe games. Just the other day we were pirates sailing to Barbados on out trampoline ship .
We have been baking many a yummy thing. Including these mince pies .
Gypsies been taking fantastic care of the hamsters.
This girl adores her tiny pets.
We have been to Sandown , mainly for my skate and scooter obsessed daughters to use the ramps.But Eva and charlie enjoyed the park too.
Eva has been so cosy on my back that even the noisy petrol mower didn't prevent her from getting a quick nap. Although i guess if you wake your mummy up every two hours for a feed your going to be pretty tired come mid morning. Mummy s pretty tired too, hence the squinty eyes and general drained look I'm rocking in the picture below!
We had an impromptu visit to the art exhibition put on by the Bembridge Art Society. That really inspires me to want to find the time to start painting again.....some when i will do....
Eva experienced her rain cover for the first time...some what confused by mummy placing a plastic bag over her pram.
We have enjoyed many beautiful stories.
Someone just couldn't wait to get home from the library and enjoyed some page turning on the way home!
And so the days continue to pass by . I continue to plan ahead for September with regard to our Waldorf home school curriculum and the kiddy's continue to enjoy the sunshine.
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