Monday, 27 August 2012

August bank hols!

We have had a lovely long weekend.

Saturday morning turned in to a baking fest.Gypsie decided to bake flapjacks and shortbread and charlie decided he would like to bake as well.We tried out this recipe for vegan vanilla sponge cak.

 I helped Charlie make cup cakes , and they were delicious.

Saturday afternoon the sky's looked less than bright but we braved it and walked down to the beach for the lifeboat regatta, where we met my mum and brother and sister. It was a bit of a poor turn out .I think the weather defiantly deterred the more sane people. But we still had a good time.We watched the air sea rescue display and summer brought some raffle tickets.I treated myself to some sweet smelling incense cones and the kids to drinks and ice creams.And we made it home just as the heavens opened!

On Sunday the weather was much finer.We visited Sandown skate park, Rainbow park and the outdoor gym once again.

(Why is i can never get them all looking at the camera at the exact same time....)

We also walked down to the pond where we looked at the ducks and swans.

After lunch I headed out to the beach with the kids.After a long nap Eva was raring to go and experienced sand for the first time.All was going well until she decided to eat it...but hey, its all learning and exploration.

 The children played happily with a family that had come to the island for a camping holiday...yes my home school kids can socialise...shock horror !!! lol

Today has been super busy. Charlie and I baked bread.He shaped the rolls and the loaf all by himself .He is really enjoying helping out in the kitchen at the moment.


Then he requested we made salt dough.I suggested that may be we should make play dough instead.
That was by far the best idea iv had in a while. The little ones have been sat at the kitchen table making an array of food and things for hours!

We used the recipe mentioned in this post.

We used natural food dye in blue and yellow and some paprika too.

To make the dough smell yummy we added a few drops of peppermint essence.

Eva has never touched play dough before and to be honest she wasn't too impressed.

This afternoon we had a visit from my brother and soon to be sister in law. (12 days till the big day!!!!)
The kids were still playing with the dough and we were brought plates of pretend fish and chips, cakes and curries whilst we drank real tea and coffee.
After i prepared us some real pizza for dinner.
And we headed off to St Helen's to watch the carnival.

 And although I had said that there were to be no fair rides this evening (we had already been on Thursday evening) I made an exception or two.Gypsie came with us this evening instead of coming home with Paul. Because she didn't go on anything on Thursday she asked if she could try the hook a duck and was rather happy with her inflatable hammer.

Charlie realised he had some pocket money left and so spent that on various rides and sweets .And Jasmine and Summer managed to con there uncle in to some bumper car sessions!

We walked a little way back taking in the harbour view, watching ducks and seagulls and listening to crickets before Paul picked us up in the car.

He was just in time as it literally poured down just as he arrived. I made some hot chocolater whebn we got in and the yonger ones played some more with the play dough.

Typical bank holiday weather but we have most definitely enjoyed it.

When i asked Charlie this evening what he had enjoyed most about today he answered "Everything!"


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