Friday, 20 July 2012

Another week has whizzed by.

We are in Summer Holiday mode right now but that doesn't mean the learning has stopped.

Here's what this past week has looked like.

we got on with a rain experiment.

Catching rain drops is so easy and good fun as well. You can find all the details here on my friends wonderful blog.

 The girls waited all day for it to rain (typical after days of endless rain) then headed out to catch the drops in some trays of flour.

After placing the trays in the oven and then sifting the flour , this is what they were left with.....

 They were impressed with the flour raindrops!

Eva's taken to napping now more regularly, this is making things a lot easier as she will happily lay on the sofa for a while instead if in my arms. i love her to bits but when she would only nap in the comfort of my arms it did make for some difficulties.

We have been down to the beach a couple of times  and visited the park twice too for some foot ball, kite flying and scooting.

Iv been treated to a salt dough dinner...thanks Charlie!

 We set up our ant farm.I brought this one from Yellow moon.

Charlie and Gypsie enjoyed putting it together, finding ants and filling it but I'm not too impressed as it comes apart all the time and also the ants keep escaping as well!

 Jas baked a loaf of bread with no assistance what so ever. in fact i was out with the younger ones while she baked ( don't worry daddy was in , in case she did require any assistance)

I got all reminiscent and baked the kids some hedge hog rolls just like my mum used to bake for me and my brothers and sisters when we were all little.

Gypsie and I also made copious amounts of toffee pop corn.

 Charlie pulled up the first carrot from the garden....

 ... and has also told me that he will build me a beach hut when hes older. ( i was looking longingly and wining that i realy wanted one ....)

In other news Eva has found the joy of sitting in small spaces. Empty toy boxes and card board boxes ...anything will do!

Iv also had to relocate our nature table because all the little bits and bobs were just way to tempting and the gnomes and fairies couldn't cope with any more dribble!


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