Wednesday, 21 September 2011

so much to celebrate

Iv been looking forward to September so much iv almost been wishing away the Summer days...especially the long hot ones!

It felt as though id been the size of a hippo for a million years but at 3.30 am on Monday September the 5th i felt those familiar pains.....contractions! i managed to stay in bed and not wake Paul until about 5.30am.Soon after i called the midwife and my mum and at, 8.07 am, after a short labour and no intervention of any kind, we were blessed with a 6lb 15oz beautiful baby girl.The whole home birth experience was totally amazing...something id defiantly want to repeat.  *grin*

Here is baby Eva just minutes old.

Eva is just beautiful we could spend all day just gazing at her.And shes never short of a cuddle or six.

September the 7th saw me reach the grand old age of thirty.The kids made me a surprise tea party complete with a beautiful cake.

I was thoroughly spoilt all day long and turning 30 is no where near as bad as i thought it would

September the 11th was Jasmines eleventh birthday , we had a family party and the fun continued  the next day as Paul took all the girls out shopping so that jasmine could spend her birthday money.She was so very sweet and came home not just with clothes and boots for herself but with gifts for her baby sister and little brother!

my gorgeous girl blowing out her candles........
I don't know where the eleven years have gone i can remember her being born as clear as it was yesterday!

so once we were all partied out Paul had one more week left of paternity leave , he used his time wisely , extending the garden  pond, sorting out the  free sat and re-arranging the kitchen after purchasing me this amazing new range cooker..............oh yes I'm a happy lady!
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This Monday Paul was back to work and we were cracking back on with our homeschooling.Iv decided to use a more Waldorf approach to our schooling , and although we are by no means keeping up with the time table i planned, we r all enjoying ourselves.

Monday saw  us beginning our botany project.

Gypsie took some beautiful photos of our sunflowers too.

 Tuesday we managed to continue our project.

We looked at how seeds behave in the summer and the winter, and discussed and drew pictures illustrating why plants need both light and dark.

 We make felt pumpkins

And moved the lounge book shelf in to the kitchen and begin our nature table .

I also helped charlie put together his Autumn weather calender.

And we witnessed how lemon juice and vinager can make pennies so clean!

Today we continued to look at botany,
 I made it to the library (where we took home every autumnal themed book i could find), collecting conkers and acorns along the way, with all five children and be home in time for an afternoon full of lovely visits from my wonderful family.

Of course there have been a few squabbles along the way but plenty of cuddles too, making everything so worth while!

I hope you have all had a fantastic day xxxxxxxx

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