Tuesday, 5 October 2010

busy, busy ,busy!

This is the first chance iv had to blog in what seems like a very long time.So i thought a quick recap might be in order.We have had a good couple of weeks home ed wise.
We enjoyed two beautiful nature walks through footpaths , lanes and bridle ways around Bembridg.we walked up to the windmill  one day and then along to Brading marshes on another occasion. ( glad we did it last week before all the horrid rainy weather decided to get here)

The children collected leaves, acorns, conkers and such like and when we returned they filled out there woodland log books which we down loaded from the nature detectives website. Here's the link if anyone is interested..http://www.naturedetectives.org.uk/download/booklet_woodlandlog.htm.

The old lifeboat house.

The new boathouse, complete with viewing platform...lol

A couple of weekends ago we were lucky enough to be able to watch the new life boat arrive at the newly built lifeboat house.It was an absolutely freezing cold blustery afternoon , and in his eagerness Paul had us ready and waiting for a couple of hours before the boat came in to sight.Never the less it was good fun and the children loved being inside the boat house watching it being winched up the slipway.
It was great for the kids to be a part of this special day as they have watched all the building work take place over the last 18 months or so.I have to say i didn't think i would find it as exciting as Paul and the kids did, but with a hot chocolate inside me to keep me warm i can honestly say it was a fun afternoon for us all!

Last week was a very creative fun packed one for us, the best day of the week was Thursday when we decided to have our very own harvest day.we talked about why we have harvest festival and we made a paper harvest wreath.
The children also made candle holders from carved apples.

And yard dolls, we had wanted to make corn dollies but had to make do with what we had available to us.
That evening we all sat down to a yummy roast chicken dinner and a tasty apple crumble made by Gypsie!!!!

Amongst the usual reading, writing, maths, English and science books last week we also put a new scheme in to practice for Gypsie.Gypsie struggles with her *school work* but i think much of it is also a confidence issue, she sees her sisters being able to sit for hours reading page after page and knowing she cant do the same she will simply say " i cant read!".
A lovely friend was using a reading tree with her son,(each leaf has a word written on it that the child can read) so i thought i could steal this idea and there would be a visual ade on the wall ( or the kitchen door in our case).now she can SEE that in fact she can read!!!!
i was so happy last night when she actually told me, I'm getting quite good at this now mummy!
There are rather a few leaves on the tree now and i can see it flourishing over the next few months along with Gypsies confidence.Words she has added to the tree this morning included, chatterbox, hospital and understand.not bad work at all!!!!

we have also had fun making autumn collages, from dyed ingredients, pasta, split peas, and such.The kids had a great time making these , but i will say me and Henry the hoover had to put in a good 45minutes hard work in to tidying up afterwards, with the help of Charlie too.
Whilst making her picture Jasmine decided she would like to make lentil soup ( i love child lead learning!!)
We made some yesterday morning, unfortunatly none of us liked it very much, but she learnt how to make lentil soup and that s the main thing.

As well as these we have made paper lanterns and Summer made some paper Russian dolls.

so, as i said a very creative couple of weeks.
hope i haven't bored you with too many photos!

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