Sunday, 4 March 2012

Thanks, but, NO thanks!

On returning home from a shopping trip yesterday i opened what i thought was a letter from our Home Ed Coordinator.

I was mistaken.

In fact i opened a letter from the admissions  and transport department of the isle of wight council.

The letter states that unfortunately they had not received an application form from me advising them of my choice of preferred school. and that a place has been allocated for my child (Jasmine) at Sandown Bay Academy....erm....NO THANK YOU!
A form was also enclosed for me to complete and return to receive a bus  pass.

The reason they hadn't got my form was because id thrown it in the bin. ( after asking Jasmine if she had any thought on trying school)

I told Jasmine about the letter and I'm not sure if she has read it or not,  i asked as i did before if she would like to consider going to school and her dad even made a suggestion that perhaps she should go.....but she has informed us she has no intention of going but joked that she would still like the free bus pass.......i love her and i love that she still wants to be home educated too.

iv typed up a letter to go off in the post tomorrow.


Dear Raquel Adams

I recently received a letter from you regarding school admission and transport.

It stated that you had not received an application from me advising you of my preferred school for my daughter.

I am writing to advise you that Jasmine is home educated and therefore she will not be needing the place you have allocated her at Sandown Bay Academy.

Jasmine has never been in the school system, we are known to the LEA and are in contact with Judy Digby.I am surprised you were not already aware of my decision to provide an education otherwise than at school.

May I ask that you provide a written confirmation that you have received this letter and that you are no longer holding a place open for her.

yours sincerely

Gemma Lake

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